he calls himself god's version of a crash test dummy. a sick and twisted soul.
i don't see that in him.
what do i see?
i see a confused child, wondering, wandering.
he has some inclination of where to go but he gets distracted by shiny things along the way.
he picks up the glitzy trinkets, fingering them, awed by their brightness.
he forgets that it's just the trash left over from another person.
the trash consumes his vision, his hands, his mind. he sits down on the side of the road and just stares.
sometimes he realizes that it's crap, and moves along a little farther. he keeps walking a little bit. until he forgets what's trash and what's not and picks up a sequin shard and marvels at that instead.
sometimes he finds a truly fantastic piece of trash, marvels at it longer, and then puts it in his pocket to take out occasionally while walking.
the thing is he's so fascinated by the crap in his hands, in his pockets, that he can't look up. He can't bear to see what makes the shiny things shine in the first place (the sun)
he can't bear to see the true beauty around him - the beauty he can't take with him, the beauty that is even more so when he keeps going further.
i know he's seen glimpses.
but his pockets are simply too full.
i know you know you want to.
you can know what it's like to be free.
i promise.
Sun and a birthday!
6 days ago
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