Wednesday, April 14, 2010

That Which...

That which I could expound upon for pages and pages but won't because this week is another gray hair week and by the time I actually have time to pay attention and write, all my ideas will be buried under new ones. (and some brief ideas that would have included a deep and compelling story, but won't.)

The girl who grinned at the sky. (and how she made my day and that she wants the boy next door. therefore we could have been best friends, if I'd ever see her again. pity.)

the dichotomy of digital and real personalities. (everybody's different in text than in person. Those that fail to realize this needs reality to slap them in the face.)

hyperbole of Kathryn (baby sister and her ... eccentricities)

my failure of saying no (car boy. See "the dichotomy"... he's reality's number 1 offender)

you know you're good friends when (see, i've already lost this idea. fill in your own)

postage this year (spent a lot. Will spend more tomorrow. i don't know how much total, but could find out. later.)

cars. (see "you know you're good"...)

How life is supposed to happen and how it won't. (see the intro to this post)

what i want (HAH! as if.)

the census (have been waiting ten years to touch one. anticlimactic.)

delicious sounds of sauce ('nuff said.)

memory lane -spinny park - white willow - paul's house (no comment)

i'm only one person with two arms and 10 toes! (aren't you?)

Why is a raven like a writing desk? (three words: Edgar Allen Poe.)

Walk to campus via the quad (I'm going to miss school next semester)

synesthesia (apparently people with this condition have screwed up perceptions of the five senses. they can see tastes, etc.)

violets (favorite. smell and taste. yup. they're edible. try them in your next salad.

poppies (in flander's fields the poppies grow beneath the crosses row by row...)

ducks (held one the other day after falling down the stairs. Go team.)

bruises and welts (see "ducks")

the gym window (maybe i'll get a picture of it tomorrow. tis purdy. and in a strange place for life and art and beautiful things.)

missing out on thunder (April thunderstorm that snowed. A girl was too plugged in to notice. she missed out)

We'll see if I ever get around to this list. Will keep you posted. Maybe. And now! Back to studying for last midterm of the semester.

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